
Cayuga Community Health Network is the holder of the STOPAct; a grant funded through SAMHSA that aims to educate on and prevent alcohol misuse among high school and college students aged 18-21 year old.

JoLynn Mulholland is the STOPAct program coordinator and has implemented a multitude of educational and awareness campaigns throughout Cayuga County including:

  • providing DWI simulators at health fairs/events

  • placing DUI Ads on city buses and billboards aimed at reducing drunk driving incidents

  • Connecting with High School clubs aimed at reducing misuse among this age range

For more information on ongoing STOPAct efforts or to get involved, please sent JoLynn an email at:

This program runs through April 29th, 2024. Cayuga Community Health Network is committed to continuing to provide alcohol and drug prevention awareness and efforts within Cayuga County and is pursuing further funding for such programs and efforts.