Eat Healthy Be Active 

Eat Healthy Be Active is an interactive, evidence-based, community health program. Participants will have access to 6 workshops focused on helping individuals make small, manageable changes in their lives that lead to healthier lifestyles. Topics discussed include:

  1. Enjoying healthy food choices that taste great

  2. Preparing quick, healthy meals & snacks

  3. Eating on a budget

  4. Tips for losing weight and keeping it off

  5. Making healthy eating a part of your lifestyle

  6. Physical activity is key to living well.

Both individual community members and groups are encouraged to participate in these sessions. Groups interested in participating should fill out the interest form with the information for the main point of contact. Interested parties will be contacted with further details regarding current or upcoming sessions.

*This program is funded through the US DHHS ACL, NYSOFA, and Cayuga Co. OFA. Contributions to this program will be gratefully accepted and used to expand this service.

Sessions Start Soon! Sign Up at Link Below!

  For more information about all of our programming, please contact us at (315) 252-4212.